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Creating your first ONFORM

Once you’ve signed up for ONFORM the first thing you’ll probably want to do is create your first ONFORM. Follow the steps in this short guide to be up and running in minutes.


01 Navigate to ONFORMs > Add New

Once you log in to your account the first screen you’ll see is the dashboard. From here look to the left of the screen and you’ll see the menu (on mobile click the menu button in the top left to see the menu). Simply click or hover over “ONFORMs” and then click “Add New“. The ONFORM editor will then load.

02 Give your ONFORM a name

This can be anything you want and the url for the ONFORM will be based on it (although your URL1 can be changed to whatever you want).

1 See step 6 below for more info on the url

03 Add a question

Click the “+” button and you’ll see 2 options “Question” and “Info / Section Break”. Click “Question”.

04 Choose your question type

There are 18 question types to choose from2 – simply click the dropdown to choose the question type you want to use. Once you’ve chosen your question type the fields relating to that question type will display.

2 8 question types available on the free plan, 17 on the solo plan and 18 on team and above.

05 Type/paste your question

Once you’ve added your question be sure to check the additional fields relating to the question as many question types have additional important settings/options.

06 Add additional questions as needed

You can add as many questions as you need and once you’ve added them go ahead and click the “Preview” button (top right) to see how your ONFORM is looking.

07 Adjust ONFORM settings (if needed)

Once you’ve added your questions the final thing to do is to adjust the ONFORM settings as needed, these can be accessed via the sidebar.

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