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The matrix question type asks respondents to rate one or more rows of statements. The statements can either be rated using a scale of 1 – 5 or text (e.g. Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral etc).

On desktop the scale will be displayed in columns, and on mobile the scale will display under each statement.

Statements (Rows)

The statements display in rows (one after the other) and should relate the main question being asked. For example, the question may be “Rate your satisfaction with…” followed by a series of statements, such as “The appearance of your food”, “The temperature of your food”, “The friendliness of the staff” etc.

Whilst you can add as many statements as you like, try not to go overboard as as the more statements there are to rate the more likely it will be that respondents won’t answer them properly.

Scale (Columns)

Scale of 1 – 5

If using a scale of 1 – 5, then the start number will be 1 and the end number will be 5. You can also add a label to the start and end numbers.


If using the text scale, you can input each scale point respondents will be able to choose from. You can add up to 5 scale points.

Example ONFORM

Here is an example ONFORM showing the various ways you can set up the Matrix question type:

1 you'll be able to see the desktop layout, where the scale will display in columns, instead of stacked

How to add a matrix question type

01 When on the ONFORM editor, click the "+" button and select "Question"

A new question block will then load

02 Click on the "Question Type" dropdown and select "Matrix"

03 Add your question in the "Question" box

This is the question that will be asked, and which the rows of statements will relate to.

04 Input the statements that you want to be rated

Click “Add Row” and add a statement. Repeat for each statement you want respondents to rate.

05 Set the columns (scale)

If you choose the “number” scale, you can choose the start label and the end/last label. If you choose “text” you can add the scale points one-by-one by clicking the “Add Column” button.

06 Add N/A column (optional)

Click the “Add an N/A column” toggle which will add an additional column to the scale which respondents can select if a statement does not apply.

07 Adjust settings as necessary by clicking the options tab and choosing the relevant settings.

The available settings are:

  1. Note (allowing you to provide additional supplementary information)
  2. Required (the respondent will have to provide an answer to the question)

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