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Single Rating (Smileys)

The single rating (smileys) question type is a fun way to get feedback from respondents. Gain insights quickly, and easily gauge sentiment, with this simple and easy to use question type.

There are 5 different smileys for respondents to choose from, ranging from a very unhappy frowny, to a beaming smile. The principles are similar to the rating scale question type, in that respondents are in effect providing a rating.

Here is an example single rating (smiley) question:

How to add a single rating (smileys) question type

01 When on the ONFORM editor, click the "+" button and select "Question"

A new question block will then load

02 Click on the "Question Type" dropdown and select "Single Rating (Smileys)"

03 Add your question in the "Question" box

This is the question that will be asked, and which respondents will choose a smiley in response to.

04 Adjust settings as necessary by clicking the options tab and choosing the relevant settings.

The available settings are:

  1. Note (allowing you to provide additional supplementary information)
  2. Required (the respondent will have to provide an answer to the question)

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