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Info / Section Break

Use the info / section break when you want to provide information to respondents without writing a question. There are many uses for the info / section break, for example, you may want to separate questions that relate to a specific theme, or you may want to provide additional information, like a privacy policy or terms and conditions.

The info / section break will display in a separate slide for all form types except Questionnaire / Survey (Form Type 5), where you can choose if it starts a new page (as with the question block).

Here is an example ONFORM showing some ways an info / section break can be used:

How to add an info / section break

01 When on the ONFORM editor, click the "+" button and select "Info / Section Break"

A new info / section break block will then load.

02 Add your text to the info / section break

You can add links, format your text by making it bold or italic, and you can add lists.

03 Add a heading (optional)

04 Add an image (optional)

You can choose to place the image above or below the text as well as adding a border to the image.

05 Add supplementary text (optional)

This will display as small text at the bottom of the info / section break.

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