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Poll / Survey (Form Type 4)
This form type offers similar functionality to Poll+ but provides a unique layout option for previous questions.
When an answer is given, the previous question will display below the current question, and closed questions won’t be editable. This works really nicely for closed questions (e.g. radio, checkbox and rating scale) as the aggregate of respondents who have answered each answer choice will display as a percentage (like the Poll+ form type).
You can also choose a minimum number of responses required before showing the aggregate data, to ensure you have a large enough sample size.
Each question will be in a separate slide.
Here’s an example ONFORM using the Poll / Survey form type:
How to use the Poll / Survey form type
01 When on the ONFORM editor, click the settings button in the top right of the screen
The settings bar will then open
02 Scroll down to the "Form Types" section
If the section is closed click the button to open it
03 Click the "Poll / Survey" button
04 Choose the number of responses that will be required before aggregate data is displayed
This is the number of responses needed before aggregate of respondents who’ve selected answer choices is displayed as %.
05 Done!
Your ONFORM will now use the Poll / Survey form type. Click the preview button to see how your ONFORM looks using this form type.