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Displaying questions after submit

By default, when an ONFORM has been submitted successfully the questions will be removed, and a confirmation message will display (or a “thank you screen”, if you have it set).

For form types Poll+ (Form Type 1) and Poll / Survey (Form Type 4), you can choose if the questions are removed from the ONFORM when a respondent submits their answers. The reason for this option is that for these form types it’s possible to display respondent aggregate data – so respondents may want to see this even after they’ve submitted their response.


Here’s an example quick-fire poll with 1 question:

And here's an example poll with several questions:

How to display questions after submit

01 When on the ONFORM editor, open the settings sidebar by clicking the cog icon in the top right-hand corner

02 Scroll to the bottom of the sidebar and click "Settings"

03 Uncheck the 'Remove questions on submit' toggle

This toggle is switched on by default, and can only be switched off when using form types Poll+ (Form Type 1) or Poll / Survey (Form Type 4).

04 Done!

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